The return of Wai Ting: Gina Carano edition

June 1, 2009

Why does everyone rip on Lindland’s looks? I can think of at least five other worse-looking fighters off the top of my head right now. Regardless, another great job by Mr. Ting.

  1. 3 Responses to “The return of Wai Ting: Gina Carano edition”

  2. i dont know.

    i get it.

    i just dont like it.

    its like those interviews chris farley used to do on snl, mixed with the dude who plays borat.

    wai ting for something funny.

    wai zing!

    could i do a better job?

    pretty much.

    By Kevin on Jun 2, 2009

  3. Fucking hilarious! “would you ever fight a transgender?” that will have me rolling all day. Loved the dreamy eye effect at the end.

    By Jim Gallagher on Jun 2, 2009

  4. lol this guy has the PERFECT awkward humor lmao. i saw his one interview with that one chick from 90210 and she didn’t get it and got really creeped out. Wai then got really flustered and asked her about pro wrestling lmao. i wanna see him interview more mma fighters. imagine an interview with rampage.

    By Adi on Jun 2, 2009

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